Air Purifier Australia with Bluetooth Speaker and Charger Bundle Pack PD-02

Air Purifier Australia with Bluetooth Speaker and Charger Bundle Pack PD-02

Are you tired of breathing in polluted air? Look no further! Our Air Purifier Australia with Bluetooth Speaker and Charger Bundle Pack PD-02 is the perfect solution for you. With its advanced technology and sleek design, this air purifier will not only clean the air but also enhance your overall well-being.

Product Description:

Our Air Purifier Australia with Bluetooth Speaker and Charger Bundle Pack PD-02 is an innovative and multifunctional device. It not only purifies the air you breathe but also serves as a Bluetooth speaker and charger. It is designed to provide convenience and improve your indoor air quality.

Key Features:

  • Air Purification: The PD-02 uses a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to remove airborne particles such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens. It helps create a healthier living environment for you and your family.
  • Bluetooth Speaker: This air purifier doubles as a Bluetooth speaker, allowing you to play your favorite music wirelessly. You can relax, unwind, and enjoy a purifying atmosphere with your favorite tunes.
  • Charger: The PD-02 also features a built-in charger, which is compatible with most devices. You can conveniently charge your smartphones, tablets, or other electronic devices while using the air purifier.

Why Choose Our Air Purifier Australia with Bluetooth Speaker and Charger Bundle Pack PD-02?

1. Superior Air Quality: Our air purifier effectively captures and filters out harmful particles, providing you with clean and fresh air to breathe. Say goodbye to allergies and respiratory issues!

2. Multi-functionality: With Bluetooth speaker and charger functionalities, this bundle pack offers versatility and convenience. You can enjoy your favorite music and charge your devices simultaneously.

3. Elegant Design: The PD-02 is not just an air purifier but also a stylish addition to your home or office. Its sleek and modern design will complement any interior decor.

4. Easy Maintenance: The HEPA filter is replaceable, ensuring continued effective air purification. The device also features an easy-to-use control panel for hassle-free operation.

5. Energy-efficient: Our air purifier is designed to be energy-efficient, consuming minimal power without compromising its performance. This ensures long-term cost savings for you.

Keyword optimized: Air Purifier Australia, Bluetooth Speaker, Charger Bundle Pack, PD-02, Air Purifier, Air Purifiers, Australia

Improve your indoor air quality and enhance your well-being with our Air Purifier Australia with Bluetooth Speaker and Charger Bundle Pack PD-02. Experience the benefits of clean air while enjoying your favorite music wirelessly. Say goodbye to allergies and hello to a healthier and happier life!

Our PD-02 Air Purifier is a 3-in-1 model that combines the benefits of air purification with the convenience of a Bluetooth speaker and wireless mobile phone charging dock.

Brand Air Purifiers Australia
Manufactured In PRC
Colour White
Product Dimensions Product:
HEPA 13 Filter: W 90 x H 130 x D 100 mm
PD-02 Air Purifier Unit: W 160 x H 280 x D 160 mm

With Packaging:
HEPA 13 Filter: D 90 x W 100 x H 130 mm
PD-02 Air Purifier Unit: W 165 x H 165 x D 300 mm

Product Weight Product:
HEPA 13 Filter: 0.05 kg
PD-02 Air Purifier Unit: 1 kg

With Packaging:
HEPA 13 Filter: 0.3 kg
PD-02 Air Purifier Unit: 1.1 kg

Accessories Included Spare Filter Provided
Model Number PD-02 (Air Purifier Unit)

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Learn more about Air Purifier Australia with Bluetooth Speaker and Charger Bundle Pack PD-02 on our product page.

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