Back to Kirkland Signature Natures Domain Beef And Sweet Potato Dog Food 1587kg

Kirkland Signature Nature’s Domain Beef And Sweet Potato Dog Food 15.87kg


Kirkland Signature Nature’s Domain Beef And Sweet Potato Dog Food 15.87kg

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Kirkland Signature Nature’s Domain Beef And Sweet Potato Formula Food for Dogs is formulated to meet the nutritional needs for all stages of life, from puppies to senior dogs. Made with fresh Angus beef and a blend of quality ingredients, this formula offers great nutrition for overall health and vitality for all dogs.

This formula is made without added grains, providing your special pet with great tasting, nutritious food. Omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids help your dog maintain a shiny, healthy coat. With guaranteed levels of zinc, selenium and vitamin E work together to maintain your dog’s healthy lifestyle. Probiotics and natural prebiotic fibre from dried chicory root help maintain the proper balance of beneficial bacteria in your dog’s intestines. Dried chicory root, a natural prebiotic, helps support a healthy digestive system. Active9 Probiotics are developed from probiotic strains naturally found in the canine GI tract and processed under strict human grade standards to ensure purity. Each cup of food provides live, active cultures that help support healthy digestion and help your dog maintain an active lifestyle.

This product features:

  • Made with fresh beef as the #1 ingredient
  • All life stages nutrition
  • Probiotics and prebiotic fibre
  • Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids
  • Grain-Free Recipe*
  • Antioxidants



Brand Kirkland Signature
Manufactured In USA
Product Dimensions With Packaging: D 406.4 x W 654.7 x H 158.8 mm
Product Weight With Packaging: 15.87 kg


Kirkland Signature


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